Tyvek®1622E is a pin perforated Tyvek®, similar to style 1443R.
The perforations (0.25 - 0.38mm) give additional softness, flexibility and permeability to both air and moisture.
Tyvek®1622E soft structure is pH neutral, lint free allowing condensation to escape and gives protection from external damage. The surface texture is soft and smooth like a soft fabric or paper and prevents scratching surfaces. Tyvek is flexible, sewable, tear resistant and breathable.
Primarily used as an underlayment for acoustic and furniture panels to help prevent panel frames and other interior parts from showing through once the panel fabric is applied. Use it to encapsulate panel baffling to help provide a smooth look once the final panel fabric is applied. Tyvek is very strong and resistant to tearing and abrasion yet remains very flexible. It should be applied just prior to applying the finished panel fabric. Tyvek 1622E is more durable and has a higher tear strength than standard non-wovens when used inside apparel, sofa and chair cushions, too.
Tyvek®1622E is also used for transporting and storage for works of art, covers, and more.
Physical Properties:
- Uncoated
- Pin perforated with .025mm - .038mm holes throughout
- Flexible, lint-free, tear resistant and breathable
- Highly air and moisture permeable
- Soft and fabric-like
- 6.1 mil
- 1.30 oz/yd2 [44 g/m2]
- Tyvek® is reusable and recyclable. It’s made from 100% HDPE, it contains no fillers or binders and it’s inert.
- White-Non-woven mesh of 100% inert high-density polyethylene fibers.
- 3" Core
- 1 roll/box
**Not for PPE use***